Swedish American Genealogist 2012
Swedish American Genealogist 2013
Some of the articles in the 2013 March issue of SAG are:
Sweden and I, by Anna Brita Östman Mohr
Excerpts from the Dagbok på resan till Amerika, by Ann Essling
From Kila by Kila to Oxford, by Carl-Johan Ivarsson
Some of the articles in the 2013 June issue of SAG are:
Ruth's Diary of the New Sweden Jubilee in 1938, by Ruth Nathorst
Allt för Sverige on the inside, by Helena Stark
“To my sister mrs. Eleanor Kernor..", by Ronald J. Johnson
Oh. Granny Wahlquist - what secrets, by Helene Leaf
Anna Stina and Nils from Sunnemo, by Jan Kärrman
Some of the articles in the 2013 September issue of SAG are:
Dear little Auntie and the cousins, by Julianna Janssen
My family history and the Baptist connection, by Ron Flodine
Gene Amdahl - a computer pioneer, by Carl-Johan Ivarsson
Was it Batten disease?, by Janice Asp
Carla Markell has Swedish roots, by Elisabeth Thorsell
Some of the articles in the 2013 December issue of SAG are:
A disaster at sea in 1858, by Inge Sjögren
Swedes on the Mississippi in the 1850s, by John E. Norton
Anna Lena Slättengren - a poor piga, by David Anderson
Jean explored the land of her roots,by Ylva Samuelsson
Careless driving in the 1850s, by Elisabeth Thorsell
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Uppdated 19 August 2014
© Elisabeth Thorsell